Itunes 9.2 download for mac
Itunes 9.2 download for mac

Improved performance to make scrolling faster.Artwork appears more quickly when exploring your library.Faster back-ups while syncing an iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4.Organize your apps on your iOS 4 home screens into folders using iTunes.

itunes 9.2 download for mac

  • Read PDFs with iBooks 1.1 on iPad and any iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4.
  • Organize and sync PDF documents as books.
  • Sync and read books with iPhone or iPod touch with iOS 4 and iBooks 1.1.
  • itunes 9.2 download for mac

    The iTunes 9.2 is available for both Windows and Mac OS X operating system, and is a must upgrade for users who plan to update to iOS 4 OS software update.

    itunes 9.2 download for mac

    A new version of iTunes has been released by Apple to add support for iOS 4 features such as folders organization and eBooks or PDFs sync with iBooks.

    Itunes 9.2 download for mac